Dr. Emna Aridhi, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Dr. Emna Aridhi, University of Carthage, Tunisia


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Dr. Emna Aridhi, University of Carthage, Tunisia

我是迦太基大學的助理教授,並於 2015 年從突尼斯科學學院(FST)獲得電子學 博士學位。我在嵌入式系統(如 FPGA 和 SoC)上開發和實現控制算法。此外,我使用粘結 圖方法對冷卻系統進行建模。我也使用這種方法來分析系統故障。

I am an assistant professor at the University of Carthage and has a Ph.D. in Electronics from the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (FST) in 2015. I develop and implement control algorithms on embedded systems like FPGA and SoC. Furthermore, I model cooling systems using the bond graph approach. I use this approach to also analysis system faults.